


    Anya Lawrence

    Master Healer, Author, Speaker


















  • About Anya


    Anya Lawrence was trained in Energy Healing at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, a four year training program from which she graduated in 1993. Before that she achieved an excellent foundation for hands-on work at the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics. She subsequently formed and directed The Healing Academy of Body, Mind and Light Science, a two year training in the Art and Science of Healing. She has been in private practice in Energy Medicine for 33 years.



    Anya's First Book: "Healing Is A Whole Person Experience"


    I have written this book as a demonstration of how Guidance can work in your life, illustrated by how it has worked in mine. In addition, I chose to write about what the process of Energy Healing is, what it looks like, what it feels like, and what can be expected from it. Included are detailed descriptions of my work as a Healer so that you can follow the process as a way of understanding it. My hope is that after reading this book, you will have a felt-sense of how Energy Medicine can benefit you and yours, and why it is becoming part of the new frontier of health and healing.


    Anya's Offerings


    ~ Distance energy healing, from her home in Elk, Washington to anywhere in the world.


    ~ Workshops and public talks about energy healing, intuition, self-realization, and personal development throughout the United States.


  • "Anya is Goddess incarnate. She will transform your life."

    ~ Ryan Vogel, Pure Blue Founder, Forbes 30 under 30

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    Anya's Book: 

    Healing is a Whole Person Experience

    The book you hold holds power. It is a potent story of a woman's healing journey. It is a roadmap for healers in training. It is a guiding, loving light for those lost and solid grounding for those found.

    I am healed. I am whole.

  • Endorsements

    From Anya's Clients & Students

    Misty Y.

       "Anya's insight, guidance and teachings have transformed my life. You're holding this book for a reason - let Anya's energy transform your life as well."

    Alicia S.

    "As a wise compassionate teacher and healer, Anya has the ability to see the often unseen and heal the seemingly un-healable. She keenly identifies and adeptly works with clients to release patterns in the physical, emotional, mental, and numerous spiritual aspects of the human energy field. She has taught me to “see” in ways I never knew possible, and, after having seen it for myself, my ideas of what are true and real have expanded far beyond the physical realm. Anya’s work is profoundly transformational."

    Julia M.

    "I started reading Anya Lawrence’s book “Healing is a Whole Person Experience” in the midst of being busily immersed in my Masters of Social Work program. From the very first page, I was hooked and it seemed that all other responsibilities and social engagements went out the window.  Anya Lawrence's portrayal of her own healing journey provided me with a window into how healing takes place on the past and present mind, body, and soul level.  She is open and honest about her journey and vulnerably  expresses the emotional anguish and joy that accompany this process.  Also, throughout the book, she seamlessly intertwines her wisdom and accumulated knowledge of a lifetime dedicated to healing and spiritual awakening.  As healer in training, myself, I have gone back several times to re-read this book.  Each time, I become more aware of how healing really is a whole person experience.  She accomplishes this through providing insights into the principles of awakening, basics of meditation, and what she has learned from other healers and spiritual leaders along the way.  As a budding social worker, Anya's words continually act as a roadmap that I come back to time and time again to refresh, draw upon, and find new understanding about my own purpose and spiritual, healing journey which enriches my professional and personal life."

    Jamina L.

    "Anya Lawrence practices a powerful form of energy healing. The first time I met her, having been referred by a mutual acquaintance, I did not know what to expect. I was familiar with alternative healing modalities such as acupuncture, therapeutic massage and essential oils, and had been relying for many years on herbal preparations to keep myself and my family healthy. Since I’d been told that hers was literally a “hands-on” modality, I assumed she would knead my muscles and get things moving and flowing and this would maybe be a cure for whatever was ailing me.


    We chatted for a few moments over cups of tea and then she led me to a perfectly normal looking massage table, draped in soft flannel sheet. Okay, I thought. This is going to be all right. The mutual acquaintance had been vague about exactly what Anya did, and I was a little worried that it might be a too weird. On that account, the massage table was reassuring.


    I climbed onto it and before beginning, Anya said a little prayer invoking the help of spirits and guides, and then she put her hands on my upper chest near the collarbone, and told me to relax and breathe slowly and deeply. Her hands began moving lightly around my body in a way that bore no resemblance to a regular massage. Still, as I lay there on her table, I could feel my body sinking into an ever deeper level of relaxation and peace.

    Then she said, “I’m getting a picture of you being injured in the chest. A fatal injury, I think.” The moment she said that, I went into a vision. Mind you, I was not at that point a person who saw visions unless you counted nighttime dreams. But honest to heaven, that’s what happened. I wasn’t watching it from the outside, either, they way you’d watch a movie. I was in the middle of it: riding a horse as fast I could, and there seemed to be arrows zooming through the air around me, and suddenly I felt one of them pierce my chest from the side, though I didn’t feel any pain, and then I slid off the horse and fell to the ground.


    The session went on and Anya continued doing what she does. There were no more visions, not on that day anyway. But when she was done, I was amazed at how I felt, my whole body buzzing and humming, and when I left I felt as if I were walking on air. As if whatever worries and troubles I’d brought with me when I came there had simply fallen away.


    Since that day I’ve had many sessions with Anya and have left every one of them feeling just as wonderful as I did that first time. I have no idea how Anya does what she does; all I know is, it works. She has a few techniques up her sleeve to be sure, and they seem to be quite effective. But I suspect that her profound and intuitive understanding of healing is as much about who she is as any specific technique. She’s a healer, the real deal, and I’m glad to have her as my friend."

    Terrie A.

    "I am writing to share my personal experiences with you in regards to Anya Lawrence. I first met Anya in a professional setting as a teacher of several healing modalities, including her Dimensional Healing technique. I attended Anya’s school for three years, learning many types of healing modalities and ways to approach someone as the facilitator to spark their own healing wisdom from the physical, emotional, mental levels—all the way through higher self, soul connection to realizing their own divinity. Anya always taught how important it is to not take ownership for another’s journey to oneness. We are facilitators, witnesses, the hollow bone for the universal wisdom to travel through and reach others how it will, do be imbibed how it will, according to each souls intention.


    This wisdom and the humbleness that must precede it, has served me well throughout my life and career as a facilitator, teacher and personal assistant. After many years and many other teachers, I can say honestly and unequivocally attest to the fact that Anya is the best teacher I have been fortunate enough to accept me as a student.


    I also received many healing sessions from Anya over all these years and continue to do so.


    Our roles as teacher/student have shifted over the years to encompass deep love for one another in the form of friendship, sharing the teaching field, and respecting each other’s personal journey to wholeness.


    Anya is a beacon of light in this world and a major contributor to the continued expansion of humanities consciousness and ability to express love. Her personal healing story, as told in her book, is such an honest, heartfelt, easy to understand perspective. I highly recommend it to others.


    In deep gratitude,


  • Contact

    Schedule a healing session, workshop, or public talk. I welcome your connection.